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" Feed the stomach and you feed for a day!
Feed the soul and you feed for eternity! "
We feel the pangs of hunger every day;
but, not the hunger of the Soul !
It is hungry for Divine Happiness and Love !
You can contribute in this noble cause,
thereby nourishing not only other souls but your own.
We seek your support in three ways for our spiritual and social activities
Make a Donation

You can physically volunteer for us during,
Spiritual talks
Bhagwat Kathas
Charitable activities
Physical Contribution

You can provide financial assistance,
For Health,
For Education
For Rural Development
For sponsoring our Children’s and Youth Camps
For sponsoring Spiritual Talks
For sponsoring Roopdhyan Meditation Camps
For development of our Ashrams
For spiritual monuments

Financial Contribution

You can utilize your talent and skill set. We welcome,
Devotees who are Doctors, Dentists or from the medical field
Software developers
Mobile App developers
Website designers and developers
Photoshop designing
Translators in any language
Expertise in horticulture, floriculture, organic farming
Any other
Skill Contribution
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