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Disseminating the philosophy

of a  Happy Life,

whereby each and every individual can explore  the  infinite possibilities of the Human Soul !!

Swami Yugal Sharan Ji

Swami Yugal Sharan Ji

One of the Foremost Preachers of Jagadguru Swami Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj

Swami Yugal Sharan Ji was trained as a scientist and is presently a Spiritual Preacher giving life transforming lectures on spirituality through which he presents the way to lead a truly Happy Life. Swami Ji has given more than 15,000 hours of discourses since last 20 Years in English, Hindi and Bengali across India as well as abroad. Swami Ji also teaches unique Guided Meditation Technique for purification of Mind and cleansing of the heart for the realization of the ultimate truth. Swami Ji has influenced lives of thousands of People cutting across the barrier of Age, Class, Caste, Creed, Race and Religion. Swami Ji has established more than 100 Centers across India and abroad where people do Spiritual Practices. Swami Ji has founded Braj Gopika Seva Mission, a spiritual and a non-profitable organization which works relentlessly for the spiritual as well as social welfare of people.




A Remarkable


Swami Yugal Sharan Ji


Science failed to answer!

Since childhood Swami Ji had an intense desire to realize the Ultimate Truth. After completing his higher studies Swami Ji joined as a senior scientist in the Geological Survey of India. The burning desire to know the greater purpose of human birth never extinguished.


Meeting the Spiritual Master

As the dictum says, if you truly aspire for something then the entire universe conspires in helping you to achieve it and one day it so happened that Swami Ji met his spiritual master Jagadguru Swami Shree Kripaluji MaharajSwami Ji got all the answers that he had been searching for such a long time. While Swami Ji found the true Guru in Him, Shri Maharaj Ji was moved by Swami Ji’s zeal to serve. Swami Ji left his high paying lucrative job to serve his Gurudev.


Becoming a Preacher

In a very short span of time Swami Ji acquired the knowledge of scriptures from Shri Maharaj Ji and on 17th of October, 2000 Shri Maharaj Ji decided to make Swami Ji his preacher by gaving Him the holy robes.

Since then, Swami Ji has been delivering lectures on the philosophy of life for inspiring people to realize the uniqueness and importance of the human body and to attain the ultimate goal of Life. In his discourses Swami Ji quotes from the scriptures of Sanatan Vedic Dharma like Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagwat Gita, Srimad Bhagwatam, Ramayan as well as the Quran, Guru-Granth Sahib and the Bible, along with the philosophies of Western thinkers such as Thales, Socrates, Schopenhauer, Sigmund Freud, while logically establishing the easiest path to attain the divine bliss.

Along with preaching Spiritual Philosophy, Swami Ji teaches unique and blissful mind awakening meditation techniques called “Divine Love Meditation” and “Meditative Chanting”. People from all walks of life have found an inner transformation, as they have realized the nature of the soul and found their goal of life and are treading on the path to attain the eternal bliss.


His Endeavors and initiation of Braj Gopika Seva Mission

Swami Ji organizes Spiritual Retreats throughout the year where he conducts intense yet blissful sessions of Divine Love Meditation for the Spiritual Growth of the seekers. In the past, in order to inspire the seekers in their Spiritual endeavors, Swami Ji used to invite Shri Maharaj Ji to such Spiritual Retreats.

Just as a potter moulds the pot according to his wish in the same way an individual is best moulded in his/her childhood. Bal Vikas Shivir a brainchild of Swami Ji is a platform to instill the values of good character, gratitude, honesty, respect, responsibility and caring attitude towards all. The Shivir has proved to be of immense importance for laying a strong foundation for a child’s future. And for the teens     Yuva Utthan Shivir is organized every year, where Swami Ji works on enhancing their emotional and social quotient along with imparting spiritual wisdom, so that they are well equipped from inside to face the outside.

Under the aegis of his organization Braj Gopika Sewa Mission, Swami Ji organizes social activities like health Camps, clothe and essential distributions, Books and Notebooks Distributions as well as free vocational courses for students.

The Wave of Success



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Years of Preaching


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By Swami Yugal Sharan Ji

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